Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Week 57 - A new, sweet Sister to teach - The Lords Hands at work

 August 24, 2015
So this week was a little bit of a rough week with not having a ton of investigators in church. But I was able to see a lot of miracles in our area this week.

On Thursday Elder Presinal and I were contacting in a small hallway type thing. It’s called a “callejon” and is a little passage way to other houses.  It opens up into a bigger area with a bunch of houses. I like going back in these to see if we can find new investigators. As were contacting we spoke to a lady washing her clothes outside of her house. We were expecting the same answer of; “I am busy” or, “Come by another day”. But instead we were presented with two seats outside of her home. She then gave us some fruit drink to drink then told us she was ready to hear our message. We started to talk to her and hear of her story in life. She told us of how she was looking for Christ but just did not know where to find him. She told us she had seen us and other missionaries pass by and had been waiting for one day when she could talk to us. 

She then told us of a dream she had the night before. She told us she saw two angels that were standing in white that wanted to talk to her. She told us that she felt like that this was an answer to her dream.  As we taught her about the restored gospel, I sat in awe of the faith of this lady and her willingness to follow the Savior, but she just didn’t know how. We shared our message and felt the spirit so strong. We then committed her to baptism in the next month as well as going to church. My companion and I both agreed at how strong the spirit was and how we knew that we were only instruments in this instance to share His message.  She loved church this Sunday and is going to go back as well as bring her family!

Then as I was walking from her house I hit my head on some sheet metal....and I started bleeding pretty good. But I put a band aid on it and it stopped bleeding. I have a pretty good mark on my head though....hahaha

I have definitely seen the little miracles in my life lately. 

I don’t have a ton of time to write but to make a long story short I had to go to the foot doctor today because I had an ingrown toenail. Everything is fine and there aren’t any problems. They just took the ingrown part out. Pretty uneventful. 

When I was at an interview for baptism I saw a picture on this guy’s wall and it reminded me of the painting in Grandma and Grandpas house. I think it is the same painting. But I love that picture. 

I hope all is well. Take care.

Elder Morgan M. Anderson 

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