February 16, 2015
Well this last week was a long week, but things went well. We ended up only having one baptism. The older of the two girls was baptized on Saturday. The younger of the two has some doubts that we are trying to work through with her and her family. The parents are a great support, but at the same time are sometimes hard to work with. This week we are going to focus more on the parents and see if we can set a baptismal date with them.
The baptism went really well. The Young Womens President here is great! She is also the one who washes our clothes. Her Husband is the 2nd counselor in the ward as well. They are a great help in the work here in Lezcano, Managua. The Young Womens President helped a lot in this baptism. She visited with them a lot and her daughter became good friends with the younger girl. It’s great to have such good members here that want to help. Almost all of our investigators that are progressing are references from members or are family of members in the ward.
Changes once again are coming this week so we will see what happens there. I have learned that here in the mission that nothing is for sure with changes. Who knows I might be in another zone this change. This change has gone by really fast. It has been a hard change, but I have learned a lot about myself and how I can be a better missionary. My Spanish has also improved a lot. Even the members have commented on how much better my Spanish is.
So yesterday I ate my first Mango here in Nicaragua. It was so good! We were eating lunch and one fell from the tree in front of where we were eating. We eat outside in the shade to keep cool. There are 4 little boys that live in the house and they are always outside talking with us. When they saw that one fell from the tree they ran over and grabbed it as fast as they could, then they gave it to me to eat!! It was super good. I want to eat some more this week!
So this week we stopped by a members house to see if they could help set up a family home evening with a part member family tonight. We got talking with him and he gave us some advice for the mission. He talked about being more bold in our teachings. Be more up front and help them realize how important the work is. Teach with more power. I love reading the talk from Elder Holland that you guys have read about missions. We need to help people realize how important this gospel is, and without it they are missing out on true happiness and practically everything. I am sad when I leave a house or talking to someone who doesn't want to listen or talk with us, but I love it when we find someone ready to change their life to follow Jesus Christ.
I love this work and everything that it has in store for me and everyone I teach. I am uplifted and strengthened everyday by the scriptures and personal prayers. I know that this is the true church. As long as we keep the commandments and do our best to follow Jesus Christ and the promptings of the spirit we will be led where God wants us to go. I have learned more and more every week that it is not what I want it is what our Heavenly Father wants.
I love you guys and hope all is well. You are always in my prayers. I love you! Thank you for all your support and prayers.
With love your missionary,
Elder Morgan M. Anderson
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