Hello Everyone,
This is Morgan Anderson, or in this blog Elder Anderson. I am grateful to my parents for updating the blog. I am happy to announce that my little brother is serving a mission in the Chile Santiago West Mission. Here is the link so you will also be able to view his experiences. Thank you.
Elder Jaren Kay Anderson Blog
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Welcome Home Elder Morgan Anderson, July 14, 2016
"Find Joy In The Journey!" What an amazing journey of JOY these past two years have been! My heart is full of gratitude for the blessing of Elder Anderson's return home and to be all together again as a family. My mother's heart is filled to the brim with happiness to look at him and see what a great man he is. He left home as my 18 year old teenager. He has been molded, refined, and grown into who Heavenly Father knows he is and can be. I have seen such growth and he will say his greatest convert was himself. He was blessed to have great experiences inviting others to Come Unto Christ and truly know our Savior. I love his Spanish accent and trying to find words in English again. I love hearing him speak in Spanish and not have a clue what he is saying. I am learning his Nicaraguan facial expressions that have a meaning all on their own. I love the connections he has made with converts and missionaries. I have been blessed to love a country and people I will never meet. My family has grown as we have prayed and been blessed to include companions as part of our family. I love the people of Nicaragua and the blessing of all who served and lifted my son for two years. President and Sister Russell will forever hold a special place in my heart. They have blessed and lifted him and continue to love him as their own. They have played a big role in helping Elder Anderson be the disciple of Christ he is today. My joy is full to see all 4 of my boys laughing and sharing memories together again. My heart feels complete with everyone together again. Our time together is short as Jaren will report in October to the Chile Santiago West Mission. Another great missionary journey will begin again. My heart has already begun to love the people, country, and culture of Chile. This blog doesn't end with the conclusion of Morgan's full time missionary service, it continues as Jaren will now be blessed to be called Elder Anderson. The next chapter begins....shortly.
Monday, July 11, 2016
Week 104 - Last letter from the mission field.
July 11, 2016
Last letter from the mission field. I will make it brief and beautiful...jaja!
Last letter from the mission field. I will make it brief and beautiful...jaja!
This week has been a week of reflection about the mission and all. I have learned a lot and I'm excited to be able to apply these new attributes in my life back home. No I'm not a perfect person and still will make mistakes, but I feel that I am a better person. I cannot fully express my love for the mission and the Nicaraguans in words or on paper. It's something that is so strong that its hard for me to express. What a change I have felt in my heart over these last 2 years.
Remind me when I get home to tell you about the blessing we gave to a man this last week. It's a long story. I'm sure it would be more entertaining as well if I was in person to tell you all.
For p-day today we got together as a district and played games and ate pizza. It was fun to relax a little bit and enjoy myself. I started packing a little bit this morning as well.
I love you guys. I have so much to tell you but I would rather tell you in person than over email. I love you guys. See you on Thursday night. Don't get too excited at the airport. There are other people there....haha! I will probably cry, don't worry haha!
I love you guys. Keep me in your prayers that all will go smoothly and we can get home quickly and safely. I love you guys. See you in a few days!!
With much love,
Nicaragua Managua Sur for Life!!!
El Mejor Mision del mundo,
For the last time,
Elder Morgan Monroe Anderson
Rivas |
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Week 103
July 4, 2016
Happy fourth of July. I hope the fireworks, the parade and everything have been good this year. Don't worry though Pioneer Day is going to even be funner...ha ha!
Happy fourth of July. I hope the fireworks, the parade and everything have been good this year. Don't worry though Pioneer Day is going to even be funner...ha ha!
This week went by crazy fast. I used a lot of my time this week trying to help things here in Rivas get better. I did a lot of training with the sisters in my district trying to help them become better. It was a lot of fun.
This week while teaching a less active family we found out that they have family that lived for quite a while in the states. The grandma is from Nicaragua and speaks fluent Spanish but her grand-kids don't speak any Spanish. We are teaching them the basics of everything but I have ran into a little bit of a problem. My English is really bad...they sometimes don't understand what I say. Awkward! But it will help me a little bit to be able to adjust.
Everything is going well. We are working hard with a couple of young men to help them get baptized this week. I hope to go out baptizing. I'm excited for this last full week that I have in the mission and hope to make it my best week ever. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. Let me know if there is anything that you want from Nicaragua.
I love you guys!
Nicaragua Managua Sur,
Elder Anderson
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Week 102 - My little brother is going on a mission.
June 27, 2016
Wow my little brother is going on a mission. Speaking Spanish, and I even get to go duck hunting with him one weekend. Life is good....hahaha. I cannot express how excited I am for you Jaren. I called all my buddies in the zone to let them know you were going on mission and they are all excited for you too...I often reflect on the sign that is in our house above the dinner table for everyone to see that says, "caution: missionaries in training" I love that sign and I am so grateful for my family and Mom and Dad for making it truly a Anderson MTC.
Wow my little brother is going on a mission. Speaking Spanish, and I even get to go duck hunting with him one weekend. Life is good....hahaha. I cannot express how excited I am for you Jaren. I called all my buddies in the zone to let them know you were going on mission and they are all excited for you too...I often reflect on the sign that is in our house above the dinner table for everyone to see that says, "caution: missionaries in training" I love that sign and I am so grateful for my family and Mom and Dad for making it truly a Anderson MTC.
Wow lots to write about, but little time. This week I spent a lot of time outside of my area. A lot of time. Tuesday afternoon I left to go to Jinotepe. Wednesday we got up early to go to Leadership Council meeting. It was special because it was the last meeting that all the zone leaders would meet with President and Sister Russell. We then worked a little bit in Managua with different missionaries then stayed the night at the AP´s and the Secretary's house. I had a chance to talk with Elder Diaz for a while that night and swap mission stories with the guys in the office.
Thursday morning I went to Presidents office early and had my last interview with him. We talked for over an hour about life after the mission. He counseled me about working, studying, and yes finding a future eternal companion.... I loved his advice and have a lot of notes and ideas and goals for the future when I get home. I felt the spirit so strong as we knelt down and as he offered the closing prayer. I felt of his love for me as well as the love of my Heavenly Father.
Thursday night I had meetings with the Stake Presidency along with President Russell. We have this meeting every couple of months to talk with the stake leaders about how the work is going. On Friday we had zone meeting in Jinotepe. It was fun to get together with the zone and to do some training. The mission has been really focused on working with ward members better.
Now this week will be a week for a lot of work and to help the other companionship's in Rivas. I love Rivas. I even bought a cool baseball jersey of the Rivas baseball team. The baseball stadium is in our area and its like a high school football game when there is a baseball game. It kinda reminds me of high school.
I love you guys so much. I am excited to see you guys soon, but promise that I am still working 110 percent thank you so much. I love you guys Take care,
De lo mejor mision del mundo, Nicaragua Managua Sur,
Elder Anderson
When I saw Jaren opening up his call I got super excited when I heard the title Elder Anderson.....
Sorry no pictures this week.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Week 101
June 20, 2016
This week has been plenty busy just like the rest and has been a little bit hotter here in Rivas. We haven't seen much rain. Elder Bustillo told me that it has been almost cold in Jinotepe and raining.
Life is good. I have a good lunch appointment, great companion, and great investigators. I have seen the area change 360 degrees these last few weeks. We have a lot of positive investigators and we have a high goal for the first two weeks of July for baptisms.
We are teaching a niece of a less active and have even seen the family become reactivated. It's fun going to their house because they get excited when we come over. Everyone wants to participate in the lessons and they all came to church this week. I have seen a lot of less active people come back to church and it's amazing to see their lives change again as well as see their loved ones come to church for the first time. It was ward conference this week so we got a good turn out at church.
I had the chance to work a lot in different areas this week and put a lot of miles on my shoes. My area is huge as well and requires a lot of walking and the church is a little far away. There are a lot of tourists that pass through the area as well to go down to San Juan Del Sur.
The mission is great. I know there is still a lot of work to do. I will work hard until the last minute. Thank you for everything. I love you guys.
Nicaragua Managua Sur,
Elder Anderson
Look a monkey! |
With President and Sister Russell. They are preparing to come home! |
Monday, June 13, 2016
Week 100
June 13, 2016
Wow! This week has flown by, but has been filled with rich experiences that I will never forget.
Wow! This week has flown by, but has been filled with rich experiences that I will never forget.
This week we had a multi zone. It was a lot of fun to talk with everyone and with President and Sister Russell. I talked with Elder Diaz for a while since he is now in the offices. Elder Bustillo and I gave a training on working better with the members and we both thought it went well. I also got a chance to talk with President one on one for a minute with Elder Bustillo. He gave us some great advice about the zone. President and Sister Russell are close to going home and gave some of their last talks and advice to us. We also got to take a picture with them before we left individually. I couldn't help but tear up as I gave President a hug and Sister Russell a handshake as I even saw their eyes fill up with tears....they are amazing people whom I truly love and will miss. They both have taught me very great lessons. I have been very blessed to be able to work with them at a closer level and learn great things from them.
With going to the multi zone that meant that we woke up super early and got home pretty late after being on the bus for what seemed like forever. I also have been on the phone a lot with different people this week until late at night with zone stuff. I have received little sleep this week...haha, but I love it!
We have seen some real miracles this week. We have found new investigators and have really seen the area open up. We brought a lot of people to church and things are looking a lot better in my area. Now this week I need to go on a lot of divisions and help the district and the zone.
All is well. I love this gospel and I love this work. I will work until the last minute and will do everything to bring these people to Christ and into the waters of baptism. I hope we can all go on some cool four wheeler rides when I get home as well.
Love you guys. Take care and keep up the good work. I love you guys.
Nicaragua Managua Sur,
Elder Morgan Anderson
The Zone |
With Elder Bustillo getting ready to leave on the bus. |
After a rain storm. |
With Elder Cuyan |
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Week 99 - Rivas
June 6, 2016
Wow! So now I have an official adult brother and two little brothers that are already better than I am at soccer.....Sounds like life is good.
Wow! So now I have an official adult brother and two little brothers that are already better than I am at soccer.....Sounds like life is good.
So I guess the big story of the week is changes. I received a phone call from the Assistants Tuesday afternoon to inform the zone about changes. They told me to pack my bags, but that I would not need to bring them to the meeting. I was a little bit confused until Elder Hironaka called me. He explained that I was going to Rivas. It's a ward that has 12 missionaries and two districts. I am still Zone Leader and I am also a District Leader again. In my district there are three companionship of sisters. I am working hard to get these two districts going again and to get to their full potential. Elder Bustillo is now companions with Elder Presinal in Jinotepe. Every night I am on the phone with Elder Bustillo talking about the zone and planning different things.
Rivas is a change from Jinotepe. Rivas is super hot compared to Jinotepe. Even though it has rained a ton these last few days. Getting people to church on Sunday was crazy as it rained all morning and it rained super hard. I have not been in many rain storms like that one.
My new companion is Elder Cuyan. He is from Guatemala. He is a super cool guy and has 18 months in the mission. I am super excited to work with him.
Life is good. I'm excited for the success and challenges that are on there way these next 6 weeks. I love you guys. Take care.
Nicaragua Managua Sur,
Elder Anderson
I apologize that there are not any pictures this week.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Week 98
May 30, 2016
Well today is Mothers Day here in Nicaragua. As I was thinking about mothers day I totally forgot to tell Mom when we skyped happy mothers day.....So, Happy Mothers Day. You are the best mom in the whole world. Thank you.
Well today is Mothers Day here in Nicaragua. As I was thinking about mothers day I totally forgot to tell Mom when we skyped happy mothers day.....So, Happy Mothers Day. You are the best mom in the whole world. Thank you.
This week was another busy week. This week Elder Hironaka came down to help us with some of the baptism possibilities that we had in the zone. We spent the day traveling and going to the different areas to talk with the missionaries and to help them and their investigators progress.
After that I went down to Nandaime quite a bit this week for their district meeting and to talk with more possibilities. It was a lot of bus time this week. I like traveling and seeing all the farm land and sugar cane that they raise here.
We are working hard in the area to commit people to church and to teach the needs of our investigators. This week we had a lot of success in finding a lot of people that we know we can help be baptized in the future. We are teaching a lady that has serious heath problems but loves when we come over to talk to her family and to help them receive their testimony of the Restored Gospel.
I apologize that I don't have much time to write. Looks like you guys are having a lot of fun. Keep it up. Have fun at graduation. I like your invitation. Have a great week. I love you guys. Thanks for everything.
Nicaragua Managua Sur,
Elder Anderson
With Elder Hironaka in Nandaime |
A path to an investigators house in Nandaime |
Week 97
May 30, 2016
Well today is Mothers Day here in Nicaragua. As I was thinking about mothers day I totally forgot to tell Mom when we skyped happy mothers day.....So, Happy Mothers Day. You are the best mom in the whole world. Thank you.
Well today is Mothers Day here in Nicaragua. As I was thinking about mothers day I totally forgot to tell Mom when we skyped happy mothers day.....So, Happy Mothers Day. You are the best mom in the whole world. Thank you.
This week was another busy week. This week Elder Hironaka came down to help us with some of the baptism possibilities that we had in the zone. We spent the day traveling and going to the different areas to talk with the missionaries and to help them and their investigators progress.
After that I went down to Nandaime quite a bit this week for their district meeting and to talk with more possibilities. It was a lot of bus time this week. I like traveling and seeing all the farm land and sugar cane that they raise here.
We are working hard in the area to commit people to church and to teach the needs of our investigators. This week we had a lot of success in finding a lot of people that we know we can help be baptized in the future. We are teaching a lady that has serious heath problems but loves when we come over to talk to her family and to help them receive their testimony of the Restored Gospel.
I apologize that I don't have much time to write. Looks like you guys are having a lot of fun. Keep it up. Have fun at graduation. I like your invitation. Have a great week. I love you guys. Thanks for everything.
Nicaragua Managua Sur,
Elder Anderson
With Elder Hironaka in Nandaime |
A path to an investigators house in Nandaime |
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Week 96
May 23, 2016
This week I was reminded how much I can still change and still do to become a better missionary. I am always so grateful and humbled at the opportunity i have to learn. I know that as i stay humble to be better i can become more like my Savor through my entire life.
This week I was reminded how much I can still change and still do to become a better missionary. I am always so grateful and humbled at the opportunity i have to learn. I know that as i stay humble to be better i can become more like my Savor through my entire life.
This week we had interviews with President as well as leadership council. I was able to spend the whole day Tuesday helping with Interviews. Me and Elder Bustillo finished our last interview with President super late. I learned a lot from President about how to be a better leader and how to inspire, guide and help the missionaries more. I also got a chance to be with Elder Hironaka all day while we had interviews. It was fun to talk to my old companion and talk about experiences. It is crazy to think that he is going home this next week. This week we also had zone meeting with all the missionaries. It was fun to be with the zone and to help them and do some training with them.
I also had the chance to travel to Nandaime this week to get to know some investigators and do some baptismal interveiws. It was a cool day. I got a chance to take a cool picture with the Volcano Mombacho. I will attach the picture.
We found some cool invesigators this week. We are just working hard so that they can progress. I really like Jinotepe, the area, and my companions. The work is going good. I apologize that i don't have a lot of time to write. Hope all is well. Take care, I will talk to you guys next week. Let me know how everything goes with mission papers and what not.
Love you guys,
Nicaragua Managua Sur,
Elder Morgan Anderson
Nandaime and Volcano |
With Elder Bustillo at Consejo de Lideres |
The other zone leaders in my group from the CCM |
Zone Meeting |
Monday, May 16, 2016
Week 95
Wow! So a lot has happened this past week and a lot more stuff happening this week. The work never slows down. And that's a good thing.
Wow! It looked like you guys had a ton of fun branding and riding four wheelers. I have been working a lot in my own area as well as traveling a lot as always.
This week we had the baptism of Erik. Erik is a young man who has really changed in the last four weeks. When I got to the area he really didn't want to get baptized and didn't really know much about the church and the blessings that he could receive. He has read different parts of the Book of Mormon and has gained a testimony. A lot of his friends are returned missionaries so that helped a lot.
In the Area we have found a lot of cool investigators. Two really cool families and a lady who told me that she is going to quit her job so that she can go to church again. Her whole family was baptized 18 years ago, but for small reasons she did not get baptized. I was super excited when we met her. I hope she progresses quickly so that she can join her family and get baptized.
As well this week I took a trip down to Rivas and helped the districts down there. We got there early for district meeting then Elder Bustillo and I went and worked with the Elders to help them find new people and to get to know their investigators. It is a different climate in Rivas. It's a lot more hot and humid.
This week we have a lot going on with interviews and council meeting with President and Sister Russell. I am excited to be able to talk with them and to know how to be a better missionary.
I hope all is well. Take care and let me know how everything is going. Hope you guys have a great week. Take care, Love you guys.
Nicaragua Managua Sur,
Elder Morgan Anderson
Monday, May 9, 2016
Week 94 - Caught in a rain storm
May 9, 2016
Well it was great to be able to talk to you guys yesterday. I really love and enjoy the opportunity I have to be able to talk to you and see how much you guys have changed. Each time I see pictures of my brothers it seems like you guys have all grown up a ton. I think all three of you are going to be taller than me soon if not already.
I don't plan on writing a whole lot, I pretty much told you guys everything yesterday. Life is good. I spent a good amount of time this past week traveling and I am excited to be able to work even harder this week. I know there are a lot of people here in Jinotepe to receive the gospel.
Winter here in Nicaragua has started back up. It rained quite a bit this week and we got trapped while walking home by a really strong rain storm. I will send a picture of it. We were so soaked when we got home.
Hope all is well. I love you guys a ton. Keep up the good work and let me know when you get your papers Jaren.
Love you all.
Nicaragua Managua Sur,
Elder Anderson
Attachments area
Mothers Day Skype Call
It was great to talk with Elder Anderson on Mothers Day via Skype. He is happy, loving his mission, and all the experiences he is blessed with. He learned while talking with us that we had received his travel itinerary from the church travel department. He asked, "So when am I coming home, what time?" He asked to have prime rib and baked potatoes ready for when he comes home. But then in the next moment he was saying he wants to extend. He is finishing strong and knows that great things are still to come.
Week - 93
May 2, 2016
Wow so a lot has happened this week and I don't have a lot of time to write. So I apologize that its short, but it won't be as short as last weeks email.
Wow so a lot has happened this week and I don't have a lot of time to write. So I apologize that its short, but it won't be as short as last weeks email.
So I am now in Jinotepe. Our companionship has changed and now I am in a trio again with Elder Bustillo and Elder Aguilar. The other Elder had emergency changes. So now once again I am working with 2 other elders. The area is awesome and at night it cools down. I still sweat a lot because its so humid, but its a lot cooler.
We had a baptism this week of a guy named Miguel. The missionaries have been teaching him forever and he finally got baptized. He is a way cool guy and is super funny. We always go over and he always has some funny joke or comment. All of his family are members including his wife. It was a neat experience to see him get baptized. We also started teaching an older gentleman. He is awesome and showed up to church on his own this week. After years of trying to come unto Christ he is finally making his choice and I feel like he will get baptized this month.
We had Leadership council with President and Sister Russell this week. It was a lot of fun and we recieved a lot of great instruction from them as always. We also had zone meeting on Friday. It took a little bit longer to prepare now that I am in a zone with 28 missionaries. After the zone meeting Elder Bustillo and I went to Rivas to go visit some missionaries and some people that are going to be baptized. Earlier in the week we went to a place called Nandaime that's actually in the Department (its kind of like a state) of Granada. So the zone is huge with 28 missionaries in 3 different departments, Carazo, Granada, Rivas.
I love the mission more and more. I am excited to talk to you guys on Sunday. We have plans to get on the computer after 5:00 but I don't know what time exactly. If you get a chance just be updated all day....haha.
Hope all is well. Have fun with all the new wheeler and snowmobiles. Keep playing soccer. Tell everyone hi for me. I love the mission. Stay strong in the gospel. I love you guys.
Nicaragua Managua Sur,
Elder Morgan M. Anderson
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Week 92 - Jinotepe
April 25, 2016
Sorry I don't have anytime to write this week. I will talk to you guys next week and explain more.
Sorry I don't have anytime to write this week. I will talk to you guys next week and explain more.
I had changes here to Jinotepe. I have attached a couple of Pictures.
I love you guys.
I attached a couple of pictures from Masaya and with my new companion Elder Bustillo.
Love you guys!
Elder Morgan Anderson
P.S. I got my package as well.
Add caption |
Monday, April 18, 2016
Week 91 - An Amazing Week
April 18, 2016
This week was an amazing week. One that I will never forget.
This week was an amazing week. One that I will never forget.
This week started off with a trip out to a part of our area super far away. Its like an 8 minute drive up into the mountains...haha. It was a reference from General Conference. I knew who they were because I had contacted them during the month of December. We got talking to them and they were now ready to accept and listen to our message. One of the people that live there is 97 years old and she came to church with us on Sunday!!! Wahoo!! She still talks, walks, and even reads still. The whole week members have gone with us to visit them and to help them progress.
Then this week I had the chance to do divisions with Elder Castillo. He was one of my companions in Las Palmas and is the Distict Leader in the District. He came to my area. It was a lot of fun working with him and being able to see how much he had changed since his training.
Friday I had the opportunity to go out to Diriomo again to help the missionaries their and be able to go to the District Meeting.
But I guess the big story of the week is our two baptisms. This week we had the opportunity to baptize Freddy, and Karina.
Freddy has been a investigator since early February. He has progressed a lot since the first day that I met him. We have worked so long to help him get married and then baptized. He has taken the Book of Mormon and applied it to his everyday life. He spends a couple hours of the day just reading. Sometimes while I am studying he will call me and just tell me that he is reading the Book of Mormon and the things that he has learned from the teachings that day. I have learned a lot from him. Several times I have left from lessons feeling like that I learned more from him than I taught him. All the members have helped us and are always asking us about how he is doing. And now finally he is baptized and is a member of the Church.
Karina is also another amazing convert. I remember the day we contacted her. The week was going terrible. We couldn't find anyone in the area, all of our appointments fell and everything was just going down hill....I remember that before we left the house we prayed that we could find one person that day that would get baptized. In the early afternoon we contacted a house that looked like nobody was home. To our surprise a young mother and her two sons came running outside. We talked with her for five minutes then came back the next day to talk with her and her husband. They only let us stand in the door, but we taught a quick lesson. From that point on Karina talked with us more and more and has read a lot of the Book of Mormon also. She was still pretty unsure about getting baptized early this week. We went over and had a great lesson with her and committed her to pray and read a chapter in the Book of Mormon to know if she needed to get baptized. We came back the next day and had one of the most spiritual lessons I have had. We felt the spirit so strong as she told us that yes she wanted to get baptized. I know that praying and reading the Book of Mormon will always give us the answers to life's questions.
All has been well this week. I love the area and I love the work. This is the true church. Thank you for all your love and prayers. Take care. I love you all.
Nicaragua Managua Sur,
Elder Morgan M. Anderson
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Las Flores |
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Las Flores |
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Week 90
April 11, 2016
Wow! This week I have probably traveled the most I have ever in the mission, and all in my own zone. This week just about everyday I left my own area to go help other missionaries or do different things. It was a lot of fun. We received a lot of blessings as well this week in our own area even though we didn't have as much time to work in our own area as usual.
Wow! This week I have probably traveled the most I have ever in the mission, and all in my own zone. This week just about everyday I left my own area to go help other missionaries or do different things. It was a lot of fun. We received a lot of blessings as well this week in our own area even though we didn't have as much time to work in our own area as usual.
Wednesday morning we packed our bags and went up to Diriomo. Every time we pass through the town Caterina we roll down the window and stick our hands outside to see how cool it is. Haha! When we got to Diriomo it had been raining a little bit so that made it nice. I did a baptismal interview for the Elders then we went and worked with them for the day. It was a lot of fun to go to Diriomo again. I am getting to know a lot of people and its fun to go back and talk to them to see how they are.
Then Thursday, Friday and Saturday we had more interviews and other things that needed to get done. It was crazy but we saw a lot of blessings in the area.
Freddy is an investigator that is going to get baptized this week. We found him a long time ago and finally he is going to get baptized. He is the man that is in the picture by me that I sent last week. He is super excited and knows a lot about the gospel. Ever since we met him he has been reading the Book of Mormon. He is now in the middle of Mosiah. He has a great understanding of the Book of Mormon and a strong testimony. We are teaching a lady and her husband. Finally her husband came to church. She is preparing to get baptized this week as well.
I love this work and being able to be in the streets here in Nicaragua. I love this country and the people here. I love this Gospel. I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I was thinking this morning during studies about how much I have learned about the Atonement and how much that it has made an impact in my life. I feel the Atonement of Christ each and everyday of my life and as I teach.
Take care. I love you guys.
Nicaragua Managua Sur,
Elder Morgan Anderson
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